Buzz !
This option allows for us to place a hive on your property and maintain the bees. We get the opportunity to house some bees and you get a percentage of the honey if they produce that year. Email us.
*If you would like for us to mentor you on how to keep bees. We can quote you a price for just the mentoring.

Mentoring only.
This option allows for us lend a helping hand when you need it go through your hive one time or an entire season of one year.
*Contact us through our website for quote. Email us.
Contact us through the email provided if you are interested.

More than Bees.
If you would like to learn about beekeeping and have some property, we can show you how to setup a hive, install bees and mentoring for one year.
-you purchase all the equipment, and supplies, including bees
-we provide the how to and will help you select your equipment from reputable suppliers.
*We would certainly love to help you accomplish this by quoting you a price. Email us.
Contact us at the email provided.